This is your once-a-year opportunity to provide feedback and insights, so we can better serve you and add more value going forward.
We have just completed our third CiC Census and were pleased to launch our inaugural Supporter Awards as a way for us to recognise talent across the network.
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Ethnicity
4. Where are you working – usually and for the most part – right now?
5. With most employers having transitioned to hybrid working, how often are you expected to be in the office each week?
6. How often do you want to be in the office?
7. How would you categorise your employment – for the most part?
8. How would you categorise your role – usually and for the most part?
9. How much experience do you have in your main field?
10. How did you discover our network – in the first instance?
11. Why did you join our network?
12. Did you attend one or both of our recent events with Oliver Dowden and Michael Gove?
13. We are planning to host a summer reception in June or July. Are you interested in attending this?
14. Will you attend Conservative Party Conference in-person in Birmingham this October?
15. If attending or considering, are you interested in coming along to the following CiC CPC22 events?
16. What would you like to be in our regular newsletter?
17. Have or will you sign-up to our Weekly Jobs Alert service?
18. Would you or your organisation be interested in learning more about our Weekly Jobs Alert service?
19. In the wake of the local election results, Nick Rogers AM argued “the Conservative Party in London needs more freedom...Part of this must entail us forging an identity that is distinct from the national brand.” Please suggest your ideas for a new logo and name.
20. How do you rate the current Cabinet as well as those who can attend it?
Weighted average out of 10
21. Which rising stars would you promote at the next reshuffle?
22. With the repealing of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, when do you predict the UK will hold the next general election?
23. Do you believe Boris Johnson will lead the Conservative Party into the next general election?
24. Do you believe Boris Johnson should lead the Party into the next General Election?
25. What do you think is the most likely result of the next general election?
26. Who do you rate as a future Leader of the Conservative Party?
27. "I'm optimistic about the future of our sector." Where do you stand on that position statement?
28. CiC People Awards 2022.
29. Where do you learn about UK politics?
30. How trustworthy are these news brands?
Weighted average out of five
31. All things considered, do you feel being a supporter of us is worthwhile?
32. Please let us know about any other feedback you have.
The third CiC Census launched on May 23, 2022, and ran for four weeks (it was extended due to the Platinum Jubilee). It was promoted in our newsletter, on our website as well as via LinkedIn. All supporters (1,028 at the time) were invited to participate, of whom 203 did (so, 20%). The average time taken to complete it was ten minutes. These are the anonymised and aggregated survey results.
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Ethnicity
4. Where are you working – usually and for the most part – right now?
5. Looking ahead to when people may return to their workplace, how often do you expect to be in the office each week?
6. How would you categorise your employment – for the most part?
7. How would you categorise your role – usually and for the most part?
8. How much experience do you have in your field?
9. How did you discover us – in the first instance?
10. Why did you join us?
11. Assuming the party conference goes ahead, will you attend?
12. If you were to attend, would you like there to be a CiC networking reception?
13. What would you like to be in the newsletter?
14. How would you rate the UK Government’s Covid-19 communications strategy since the start of 2021?
15. The UK Government’s Covid-19 communications strategy has _____ since 2020.
16. How do you rate the visual appearance of the new Downing Street briefing room? (It will still be used for other briefings)
17. Of those who attend Cabinet, who do you believe has been the best communicator during the pandemic?
18. Which rising stars would you promote at the reshuffle?
19. Where do you source your news from?
20. How trustworthy are these news channels?
Weighted average out of five
21. Taking everything into account, would you say that the launch of GB News is a good or bad thing for the UK overall?
22. Broadly speaking, do you support the PRCA’s six-point Public Confidence Plan for Reform in response to the Cameron Inquiry?
23. Has your organisation grown / hired new staff during the pandemic?
24. “I’m optimistic about the future of our sector.” Where do you stand on that position statement?
25. All things considered, do you feel being a supporter of us is worthwhile?
26. Please let us know about any other feedback you have.
The second CiC Census launched on April 20, 2021, and ran for two weeks. It was promoted in our newsletter, on our website as well as via LinkedIn and Twitter. All supporters (735 at the time) were invited to participate, of whom 210 did (so, 29%). While the percentage of supporters who took part was lower than 2020 (see previous data below), we received 36% more submissions compared with the previous period. The average time taken to complete it was six minutes – slightly more than predicted – but less than 2020, as we reduced the number of questions from 38 to just 26. These are the anonymised and aggregated survey results.
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Ethnicity
4. Where do you work – usually and for the most part?
5. How would you categorise your employment – for the most part?
6. How would you categorise your role – usually and for the most part?
7. How would you categorise your seniority in the industry?
8. Have you been, are you or would you like to be a:
a) Special Adviser?
b) Member of Parliament?
9. When did you join us?
10. How did you discover us – in the first instance?
11. Why did you join us?
12. Are you interested in being:
a) Mentored by another supporter?
b) A mentor to another supporter?
13. How should we get more women involved?
14. Would you or your firm be interested in learning more about:
a) Hosting and / or sponsoring an event for us?
b) Contributing and / or sponsoring content on our blog / in our newsletter?
15. Since May 2019, we have organised three events with speakers:
How many of these did you:
a) Sign-up for?
b) Attend?
16. How could we improve our events?
17. If you couldn’t attend any of our events, after RSVPing, what was the reason why?
Work commitment 58.11%
18. As of right now, are you planning to attend:
a) CiC Summer Reception 2020?
b) Conservative Party Conference 2020?
19. Do you:
a) Read our newsletter?
b) Visit our website?
20. How can we improve our newsletter and website?
21. What would you like to be in the newsletter?
22. How would you rate the UK Government’s Covid-19 communications strategy?
23. How would you rate the original ‘Stay home, Protect the NHS, Save lives’ slogan?
24. What, if at all, should the new slogan be?
25. Which Cabinet minister has impressed you the most (at the podium and during interviews)?
26. How would you rate these aspects of the daily press briefings?
Weighted average out of five
27. Do you think Number 10 should host daily televised press briefings in the future?
28. Some polling indicates that trust in the mainstream media (MSM) is lower than before the pandemic. Overall, do you believe the MSM has provided balanced and unbiased reporting?
29. How trustworthy are these news brands?
Weighted average out of five
30. Were you able to take advantage of flexible working or work from home schemes before the pandemic?
31. Will you be advocating for the same or more flexible working or working from home schemes after the pandemic?
32. What did you like most about working from home?
33. What did you like least about working from home?
34. “I’m optimistic about the future of our sector.” Where do you stand on that position statement?
35. All things considered, do you feel being a supporter of us is worthwhile?
36. Right now, Conservatives in Communications is staffed by volunteers and is limited in the services it can provide. The cost of maintaining our website and platforms (Eventbrite, MailChimp, SurveyMonkey and WordPress etc), time, travel and very limited entertaining is covered by the staff themselves. Would you be willing to contribute a small annual amount to continue receiving added valued newsletters based on more options as in Q21?
37. How much would you be willing to pay per annum?
38. Please let us know about any other feedback you have.
The inaugural CiC Census launched on May 6, 2020, and ran for two weeks. It was promoted in our newsletter, on our website as well as via LinkedIn and Twitter. All supporters (429 at the time) were invited to participate, of whom 154 did (so, 36%). The average time taken to complete it was nine minutes – lower than was indicated. These are the anonymised and aggregated survey results.
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